Can’t submit your video?
Please Note: If you move away from your assignment you will lose your answers. We strongly suggest backing up your answers in a word document.
Be sure that you did not scrub ahead and accidentally miss part of the video.
This could happen if you backed up to watch a segment over and over, and then jumped ahead too far.
Double check your internet speed and connection.
If your internet is cutting in and out as you watch the video, it may not interrupt your view, but it can result in your full watch time not being recorded.
MCN requires more bandwidth than other streaming services, as our video files are larger, and incorporate more complex systems.
If your computer is running an unsupported operating system or if you are using an unsupported browser, this can cause a communication breakdown between your computer, your internet, and web applications such as MCN.
You may need to restart your computer to fully update your operating system.
In addition, some browsers (Chrome, Safari, ext.) also require restarting in order to upload their updates.
Your session may have timed out. If you did not see a pop-up telling you that your session has expired, you may need to restart your browser, and log back in.
Please Note: If you attempt to run MCN on more than one browser, tab, or device, this will automatically expire your session and can corrupt your time signatures. This is a requested feature from faculty, as multiple observations cannot be gained at the same time.
How do I check if have watched 100% of the video?
Go to your My Archive section, and select the “Videos Watched” tab. There you will see the percentage watched for each video.
How do I know if my questions have been submitted?
Go to your My Archive section. If the video is listed as “Pending”, it has been submitted – Well done!
I know I watched the whole video, even though my watch time percentage hasn’t reached 100%. Can you change my watch time, or submit my assignment for me?
Unfortunately, MCN does not have the ability to change your watch time manually, or submit assignments on behalf of students.
In the event that you have less than 100% watch time recorded, you will need to watch the remaining percentage in order to submit your assignment.
If you continue to have trouble, please email us at Be sure to include your full name, the video you are having trouble submitting, and as much detail as possible.
We reply to emails Sunday through Friday between 8am and 5pm PST.